Padmaja Alapati, Dr. G. Akilarasu


We send tree-based secure searches for cloud-coded information, perform many keyword searches, and dynamically manipulate a range of documents. The device is fast searching for Cloud Secure because the user has access to search terms. Many companies have been offering different types of threats to perform different search engines, such as search keywords, search keywords, and many keywords. Due to the important structure of the tree-based index, the search engine will look for the expected distance over time to manage the entire deletion process and enter the documents. The expected outline is defined as queries with multiple keywords, accurate classification of results, and upgrading of documentation diagrams. For high search efficiency we are developing a tree-based index structure and suggest a formula based on an index tree. Even if this concept is not new to RDBMS-based systems, this may be a new model for accessing information about encrypted domains in the cloud that is due to the user's profiles of activity. Among these methods, the search engine search method with multiple search results has become more important because of real performance.


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