Swathi Lakshmi Rangudu, Ch.Subba Reddy, T. Shesagiri


For the past few years, the technology of cloud computing has the extreme growth sections in the field of infrastructure and permits the consumers to make usage of applications devoid of installation and by means of internet access the personal files. Designing a competent and secure scheme of data sharing intended for groups in the cloud is not an uncomplicated mission because of the tricky issues. Well-organized methods which permit on-demand data accuracy confirmation on behalf of cloud users have to be considered in order to attain the assurances of cloud data integrity and accessibility and apply the excellence of cloud storage service. In the cloud computing, a novel structural design was proposed for the purpose of protecting and sharing of the personal health records and is both scalable and well-organized all the way through functioning and simulation. An attribute-based infrastructure is proposed, for the purpose of electronic healthcare records systems where by means of a broadcast difference of cipher text policy attribute-based encryption allows straight revocation for record files of each patient’s electronic healthcare records. For the owners and users which are different from preceding works in protected data outsourcing, various data owner scenario were mainly focussed and into various security domains users in the personal health record system are separated which greatly reduces the difficulty of key organization. In order to achieve fine grained and access control to scalable data intended for individual health records we make usage of attribute based encryption technique for encrypting the personal health record of every file.


Physical Health Record; Attribute Based Encryption; Patient Record;


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